All about our Chickens

On this page of the blog, I'll include links to my blog entries and other writings about our chickens or keeping backyard chickens in general. I have them separated into categories to make it easier to find what you're looking for.

The Economics of Keeping Chickens
Backyard Chickens for Beginners: Basic Requirements
There are some basic expenses required to begin raising backyard chickens, in terms of both capital equipment and ongoing expense. As you might expect, expenses generally fall into the categories of food and shelter along with some miscellaneous equipment.
 Small, Profitable Backyard Chicken Flocks
Many of those who undertake to raise backyard chickens find that they end up spending more for eggs and meat than they would from the supermarket even if backyard chicken flock start-up costs are not included. Depending upon where you live, however, this need not be the case. Small flock backyard chickens can not only pay for themselves and the eggs and meat your own family uses, but can turn a small profit as well.

Hatching Eggs and Baby Chicks
Hatching baby chickens from eggs is both a learning experience and a way to increase your own flock. It's not difficult with some basic equipment and a little patience. The best way is to let the chickens handle it themselves if they will. Unfortunately, though, egg-setting behavior and maternal instincts have been bred out of chickens for many generations because it reduces their egg production. The next best choice is to incubate, hatch and brood the chicks yourself.

How and When to Candle Chicken Eggs
When you are hatching chicken eggs, it's difficult, if not impossible to see how things are going inside the egg from the outside. Candling is the process of looking inside the egg without disturbing the developing embryo. By using a bright light it is possible to look into the egg and make sure it is developing properly.

When Hens Go Broody
Some breeds of chickens still have strong brooding instincts which can be boon or bane to the backyard chicken keeper.
Breeds and Breeding Chickens
Sex-Link Chicken Genetics
A sex-linked chicken, quite simply, is a chicken whose sex is visible to the naked eye immediately after hatching. Usually male and female sex-linked chickens have markedly different colors or feather patterns. The reason that this is desired is that most people want hens for egg-laying purposes, and roosters not only are not desired, but are even prohibited by local ordinance in some communities because of their loud crowing.

Cornish X broiler chicks blog entry
We have purchased 50 Cornish X broiler chicks at a 4H fundraising auction. In this blog entry, I discuss the pros and cons of this breed.

Everyday Care and Feeding of Backyard Chickens
Foraging vs. Purchased Chicken Feed
Even free-range chickens with plenty of land available for foraging will need supplemental chickne feed to make sure they get enough calories and a proper balance of nutrition for optimal health.

Winter Chicken Care: Preventing and identifying frostbite in chickens. Important information for beginning chicken keepers living in areas where it gets below freezing in the winter. Learn what a blackened comb means.
Miscellaneous Chicken Information
When it comes to eating locally, your food source doesn't get any closer than your own backyard chickens.

Baby Chicks for Easter?
If you're already considering raising backyard chickens and have taken the time to learn about everything involved, then Easter is actaully a pretty good time to start with baby chicks.